Recommitting to St. Mark's Church
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As God’s children, and as followers of Jesus, we have all shared in God’s Kingdom. The details are different for each of us, but we have all been recipients of God’s good gifts: life and love, joy and peace, beauty and hope. And we are all called to more than mere reception of God’s good gifts; we are called to full participation in the Kingdom, and that involves giving sacrificially of ourselves, too.

Thank you for being part of St. Mark’s mission and life. Read more about Stewardship 2024 below.
Stewardship 2024
Connecting our Gifts 2024
This year’s Stewardship program is entitled “Connecting our Gifts”. During this 5-week period the stewardship team will provide tools and activities that will support you as you discern how you will respond to God’s goodness in your life. During that time, you will hear thought provoking sermons, personal testimonials of how individuals discovered and used their gifts, and you will have the opportunity to reflect and respond to survey questions that explore your awareness and attitudes towards your God given gifts.
There will be a different survey question for each of the weeks and they will be distributed in the same way each week. On October 29th we will conclude our Stewardship Program by providing you with the opportunity to respond to God’s goodness by pledging your financial support for the operation and ministry of the church and by pledging your talents and time to the activities and functions of the church. By discovering, identifying, offering, and connecting our gifts in this way, we will be doing the work we are called to do, to love and serve the Lord and one another.