Below are a few frequently asked questions intended to help you feel a little more at home. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact St. Mark's.

I have a very active toddler, am I welcome at the service?

Children are welcome! There is a small play space at the rear of the sanctuary for them to play quietly. If you feel that they need to make a bit more noise or to let off some energy we have a nursery with toys off of the Great Hall. Leave and return as you need to. Often young children dance in the aisles during the hymns, so you and your child(ren) will be most welcome!

How will I know what to do during the service?

A bulletin will be provided by the usher that incorporates the entire service, all hymns, prayers and important information for that week. We do have copies of The Book of Common Prayer between the seats if you feel more comfortable using that. Feel free to ask someone near you if you have any questions.

Do you serve Communion/ Lord’s Supper/ Eucharist?

Yes we do, every week at the Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am services and at the Wednesday noon service. EVERYONE is welcome to receive communion-it is the Lord’s table and following Jesus’ example, "Christ Welcomed All, We Welcome You"

There is no communion rail, what do I do?

Communion is usually held in a semi-circle in front of the Altar. The ushers lead us there based on where you are sitting, starting with the choir and ministers assisting our priest, and then going around the room as directed. Just follow the ushers, they will guide you.

Do you use communion wafers or real bread for the Eucharist?

We use homemade bread for the Eucharist, made lovingly by our Bread Bakers Ministry. If you need a gluten free wafer there are always some available, just ask our priest as she serves you. We use homemade wine. We do not currently offer an alcohol free option, but feel comfortable in not partaking of the wine (the communion is still valid for you), simply cross your arms over your chest as the wine passes.

What happens after the service?

We encourage everyone to participate in our after worship fellowship, lovingly called, Holy Grounds Café, in the Great Hall where we normally offer a variety of homemade goods, fruit, cheese, coffee, water, and juice.

I’d like to talk with someone after the service, will I be able to do that?

We have designated church representatives who would love to talk with you. If you have a particular concern they can connect you with the correct person who can address your questions, or speak with one of the ushers. Rev. Mia is always available for conversation after the service. Please turn in a yellow welcome card/prayer request sheet in the collection plate or to an usher if you would like Rev. Mia to contact you.

What’s with all of the announcements?

Our announcements are our primary way of communicating all of the wonderful activities going on at St. Mark’s. If you are curious about anything we announce please talk with the announcer after the service. We’d love to talk with you, and clarify information as needed. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for details right to your inbox each week.

I have special prayer concerns, will there be someone available to pray with me?

Speak with our priest, Rev. Mia, for confidential prayer concerns or to make a pastoral appointment. We offer healing prayer and laying on of hands at our Wednesday noon Eucharist service. You can also submit a prayer request with a yellow prayer request care or by email to our office We have an active prayer team who loves to pray for those on our prayer list.